Abundance Without Borders

Creating self sustaining impact and abundance everywhere we go.


We can only do so much in this world, but what if our actions had a lasting impact for generations? What if what we shared with those around us created abundance for everyone, and led to even more action and impact?

Join the AWB movement.

Self Sustaining Abundance

At AWB, we want our impact to be sustainable by the people we work with and learn from. We want them to be empowered with the knowledge and resources to keep these improvements to their communities afloat, long after we’re gone. To learn more about our vision, click here.

Experiences that Matter

In a culture of comfort, it’s easy to lose the concept of serving others and improving ourselves. Joining the AWB movement creates the opportunity for a life changing experience for everyone involved. Learn more about some of our trip experiences here.

Our “Why”

Get to know the AWB team and learn about why we choose to do what we do here.


100% of your donation goes towards helping the people and communities in Guatemala.

Thank you so much for all of your support!

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