Get to Know the Team!

AWB President - Sharla McCarty

Sharla is a mother of 6, wife of 20 years, and one heck of a DIYer!

“What made you want to start a non-profit?”

“This was something we have been guided to do - none of this has happened by chance. Heavenly Father has been taking our hands and leading us to this. This wasn’t something we were seeking but God has opened doors and it has created so many wonderful experiences and it makes me want to go out and serve more. I love the connections we have been able to make with the people we meet, it makes my heart so happy. We are so much more than where we live and what we have. We love our friends in Guatemala so much, we all learn so much from each other. Why do we do it? Because of the way it makes us feel- there is a spiritual element to it- it’s easier to connect with God here. it’s a sacred honor and a privilege to be here.”

AWB Vice President -

Chelsie McCarty

Chelsie is a mother of 5, photographer,

and a lover of anything that has to do with Oreo’s!

“Why did you want to get involved in impact work?”

“When Kyler began telling me about impact work and the idea of using our skills not just to provide, but to also help other people to provide for themselves, I absolutely loved the idea. When the opportunity came to do AWB, I knew that God had been preparing me for this for most of my life. I am so grateful for the chance to give back. It is such a special opportunity to learn from and love these amazing people in Guatemala!”

AWB Secretary and Trustee - Kyler McCarty

Kyler is a lawyer and entrepreneur, father of 5 and a self proclaimed hula hoop champion!

“What led you to helping create Abundance Without Borders?”

“You only get one life, so I want to spend mine trying to make as much of a difference as I can for other people. Before AWB, I felt a little lost and like I wasn’t living out my purpose. But once I started to put my whole heart and soul into trying to make an impact, it became something I could work really hard at and leave feeling really happy and fulfilled.”

AWB Treasurer - Josiah McCarty

Josiah is an entrepreneur, father of 6 and a country swing dancer extraordinaire!

“Why is being involved in AWB important to you?”

“I wanted my kids to experience how other people live and how grateful and appreciative we should be for what we have. We get complacent and take people and things for granted but when we see the other ways of life it opens our minds to new ways thinking. I also wanted a chance to better the world and help better things for our brothers and sisters. With service, we lose ourselves in the work and find our relationship with God.”

AWB Trustee - Aaron Tilton

Aaron is a successful business owner and creator of SmartFi who also enjoys riding Motocross!

“What motivation was behind your eagerness to join the AWB team?”

“We are always pursuing things for our own self interest and while it’s necessary to have a certain amount to provide for our family, once you have that, it’s fulfilling to turn around and help others. I also think a lot about doing as much good as possible in whatever time we have on earth, and I guess the selfish desire for a new experience. I wanted to do something to help me feel more grateful for all that I do have.”

AWB Trustee - Marci Williams

Marci is a humanitarian guru, mother of 4, and a fluent Spanish speaker! Read about her amazing husband and our AWB inspiration here.

What made you want to help and be apart of the AWB team?

“Many years ago my husband, Ryan, shared his great love for Guatemala-its people, culture, landscape, languages, and food. His love of the people was contagious as well as their love of him. Guatemala was his happy place! Our family lived in Guatemala twice and traveled very often over the 23 years we were married until he passed away unexpectedly in Guatemala. I have seen the McCarty family serving the dear people of Guatemala with great love and enthusiasm. This is the kind of heart my husband had for them.”