Here at AWB, Education is SO important to us and to our friends in Guatemala!

Did You Know:

It costs $50 a year for a child to attend school in Guatemala.

$50 supplies them with a backpack and the needed school supplies

$50 means the difference of receiving an education or not.

AND! If they can learn to speak English, the job opportunities available to them in

Guatemala are as good or better than if they had a college education!

Your donation can help by providing school supplies, adding resources to improve the schools and enhance and maximize their time fully towards learning, filling their children’s library with more Spanish to English books, and so much more. If you have a specific area you’d like your donation to go towards, you can email us at and let us know your thoughts!


Any amount can make a difference! A little goes a long way. ❤️


Here are some of the faces of the children your donation will be directly helping.